Friday, April 8, 2011

Green Smoothies

I started a new diet 9 days ago using the nutritional shakes purchased from Body by Vi. Information can be found on my website I've lost 4 pounds in that time drinking two smoothies a day and eating 2 sensible snacks and one sensible meal. I've heard about people drinking "green" smoothies in the past and always thought it was a gross concept. But the other day I made my first green smoothie using a handful of kale and it was delicious in my Vi-Shape shake. I enjoyed it so much I made another for lunch and also for breakfast the next day. It mentally feels good to know I'm putting so many good vitamins in my body. This morning I made another, and here is the recipe for my creation.

My new KitchenAid blender from Bed Bath and Beyond works wonderfully. I'd highly recommend it, but it is noisy. (So was my last one, so no big deal for me). I started with a handful of kale and 1/2 frozen banana and about 1/2 cup of 1% milk.

Here my blender is pulverizing the kale into little pieces on the "liquefy" speed. After the kale is in very tiny pieces I add another 1/2 cup of 1% milk, 26g of my shake mix, and about 1/2 cup of crushed ice.

Pouring into the glass. I love the bright green color. It reminds me of Shamrock Shakes from McDonalds, but doesn't have that minty flavor.

Trying to get out every last drop from the blender pitcher. Calories: shake mix 90; 1 c 1% milk 110; 1/2 banana 45; 1/2 c kale 20; total calorie count 265.

And here is the final product. It's thick and foamy and yields about 18 oz. of smoothie. My husband says it tastes like freshly mown grass, but I don't think it's bad at all. One thing to mention is, what goes in green also comes out pretty green too. That was a surprise the next morning!

Let me know if you'd like any more information about Body by Vi

Carolyn "Care Bear" King

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