It is the end of day five and the following things have been done. The concrete patio has been stained. It's a little dirty at the time because the dogs have been walking through the dug-up earth and leaving little prints all over the brown floor...hmmm, perhaps we should have chosen a lighter color???
Here is the path tapped down firm and beyond you can see the beginning of the carving out of the hill.
Below: The view of the path from the north side of the property.
This is the view from the top of the deck stairs. You can see the stained concrete and the tampered pathway. Beyond the concrete will be a few steps which lead down to the paved patio.
Below is a close-up of the cut into our slanted earth. It's finally starting to take shape!
Looking strait on.
View from the NW corner of our property.
And finally a view from above.
The Bobcat is really tearing up our yard, but I'll soon find out this is nothing compared to what happens after a good rain! To the right you can see the white paint line for the north side of our property where the future fence will go.
Carolyn "Care Bear" King